Saturday, December 31, 2011

Well school has started and things are going well. So far we have battled sinus infections, bronchitis, phnemonia and now a touch of a stomach bug. Good times here in the Doyens house. Christmas was good and we all got a bit spoiled, mainly the kids anyway. But isn't that what is suppost to happen anyway?

We are still trying to get the rash under controll with Evey. She found out the hard way what happens to her when she cheats and eats something with gluten in it. By her choice she ate something at school from a friends lunch. With that she promised me never to cheat again. Live and learn right?

Aj is learning a ton and is shocking Jim and I by what he is learning at school, all in the good way. The main think that is shocking me is that he knows how to add two, two digit numbers together. Like 10 + 21 = 31 and he is only in kindergarden. WOW. The things that they are learning so much sooner than we did, but I guess thats technology for you.

Well that is the short and sweet version of what is going on here. Hope you all had a wonderful Merry Christmas and a safe Happy New Year.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

School days

Well, its about that time of the summer where the parents go crazy. Making sure that all the right forms and filled out and turned into the school office and all the doctor visits are all done and the registration fees are all paid up. Then we have to go out and get all the pens, pencils, notebooks and folders for the school year. Now I am not sure if I am ready for this year to even start. My sweet lil baby boy will be entering kindergarden this year. My baby?!?! I know its time and he is so ready for this chapter in his life to start but me on the other hand, I'm just not so sure.
Jim and I took the kids for a road trip. We went to Oklahoma City, Oklahoma to visit family on Jim's side that he never knew he had. I just wish that we had more time to maybe go a bit further south and visit some family in Texas, maybe next time. We enjoyed it so much that Jim wants to take us next to Branson Missouri. Sounds great. Well got to go and clean out and finish unpacking.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Mr. Scharbert

Hello my friends, this weekend will be very emotional and bittersweet. This past Tuesday morning I got an email stating that my High School Sunday School teacher, Warren Scharbert ended his long hard battle with cancer. He is painless and healthy in heaven with his Mommy. If I had to say one thing I would remember him for, I would have to say his salvation magic shows he would put on for the differant Awana programs through church. I also liked his laugh. It was one of those true laughs. Meaning that if he laughed he really thought that whatever it was, was really funny and not a laugh cause it was the polite thing to do. I know Jim is broken hearted too. He loved working along side with the differant duties that they had together on the church board for the past 3 years. They bonded so much in such a short amount of time. They swapped all sorts of stories and during his illness they told each other there colon stories.
Well, thats enough of that before I break down again. I will miss you Warren. And for those of you who read this that are related I will continue to pray for you and you move on here on earth. Love you all!!

Saturday, July 09, 2011


Hello my friends, to day I write this with a heavy heart of sadness. I am learning that my Sunday School teacher for my high school days is getting closer to saying good by and hello to his maker. I am sad to learn that he is this far along but I know it is for the better. I will be saying lots and lots of prayer, more than before for this family. Watching someone battle cancer like this is a really really hard pill to swallow and I know the pains that come with it.
For those of you that read that this that are part of his circle of folks, know this that I love you and I am praying for you. I so deperatly wish there was/is more that I can do for you all. I know prayer is so very important but there are times, like this, that I wish I can do more.
Well, I got to go . . .
God bless you all!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

prayer request

Hello my friends,
Jim had to go into the office of the company that he works for yesterday for stuff. He came home and told me about a rumor that was told to him by some big wigs at the company. They stated that by the end of the year residential houseing market for what Jim does will be no more. Meaning that Jim could be out of a job. Please pray with me that this doesn't happen and if it does that God will grant us another job. I am thinking of getting a part time job come August when both kids are in school all day. I am hopeing that God will supply a job where I can work during the days that the kids are in school. Please pray that this will come to pass and we can get caught up more with bills that have piled up for us in the past. I am nervous and excited about this change in my life.

Thursday, June 02, 2011


Well, everyday I am finding new things that are cheaper and are gluten free. I am falling more in love with Aldi's. Lost of things there are gluten free . . . marshmallows, chocolate bars, bratworsts, hot dogs, cheetoes, cheese puffs, powdered sugar. And these things are labeled gluten free which is nice, It gets rid of the guessing game and maybe paying for it in the long run.
My veggies are growning, slowly. There are some flowers there which means that soon there will be something worth eating someday. We have also seen butterflys fluttering around the house. And we wonder if they are some of the ones we released into nature a while back. That would be neat if it were.
Well thats all for now. Hope you are all enjoying this wonderful warm weather that God is blessing us with.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

news on the union

Well, Jim told me last night that he might be getting a HUGE pay cut. Seems like the new builders of homes wants to keep the union guys for the installs but don't want to pay them the union wage. The want to pay them the way they paid the non union guys. I don't think that is fair. I look at the higher pay as a way to pay them back for all the special schooling they got to do what they do and do it well and right. The builders are tired of all the messups the non union guys have been doing so they want them out. What do you all think? Am I being silly on this?

Monday, May 23, 2011


Hello friends . . . this past weekend was full of things that are bitter and hard to swallow and then some really sweet things.

So lets start with the bitter to end on a good note. Well, found out that my high school sunday school teacher is ill and doesn't have much more time here on earth. Then he will join his Mother in heaven with this Lord. That in its self is bittersweet. You know who you are and if you read this I love you and will miss you and we will see each other again someday. I know that Jim will miss ya too. I know that he has enjoyed the time you have spent sharing stories during your duties at church on Sunday mornings. We love you!!!!!

Good notes, all of our butterflies have hatched and are out there somewhere and hopefully growing. All of the veggies that I have gotten are in the ground and I notices today that there are flower buds growing on them which means that soon we will be having some fresh veggies. We got 2 tomatoes, and a total of 6 bell pepper plants and 2 strawberries. I also got some tomato seeds that are planted but so far nothing from them yet. Maybe soon.

As far as Evey, things are going. I got the herbal meds that we are going to try today in the mail and she got her first does tonight before bed. She is not liking this at all. I have entered the councilor part of being a parent and so far its harder than I thought. So please pray that I help her feel better about her "new body" as she would put it. She got upset Sunday that her friends from the neighborhood were getting things from the ice cream truck that goes around town. I told her no due to the fact that I would have no way of knowing if any of the items are gluten free. It was hard for her to see her friends part taking in this and she is left on the side lines. I told her that maybe she got this so that maybe someday if she meets someone that is new to this maybe she is there to help them figure things out like we are doing now. She told me that she never thought of that. So maybe that calmed her down, or at least till next time.

Yesterday we patched some holes in the pool liner and we are starting to fill it up to get it up and running for the summer. So can not wait. What better than pool, a great tan and fresh fruits and veggies. Aj wants grapes so maybe next year. One may never know. Well I have to tuck in little ones and clean up from the day.

good night, love you all!

Saturday, May 07, 2011

garden and more

Hello all. Well I am hopeing to get to play in dirt today. Jim and the kids took me shopping for some gardening stuff. I was able to get supplies to make a raised veggie garden. I also got some new potting soil for my 6 pots and the kids helped pick out flowers for them. I also got some flowers to plant in the front yard.
We know have all 10 cacoons now and we are waiting to see them hatch into beatuiful butterflys. Exciting!
Evey is doing better. We had a bit of a set back during Easter weekend. Not sure if the glaze from the ham or something in the Easter Basket had gluten in it but she broke out in the rash again. I am looking into getting that herbal med for her since heat flares it too. I want her to have a good and as much as possible itch free summer. I know that the masquitos will be out and might nibble on her but its kinda differant.
Both Aj and I tested negative for this. Which means that we both got a faulse negative or we truly don't have it. I am thinking that both Jim and I are carriers of it and since we both stirred the pot for the kids they have it and Aj's negative came out faulse due to him being on the gluten free diet at the time of the test. That would happen this way since there was no gluten in his system to cause a reaction therefore its a bad result. I hope that makes sence to ya.
Anyway to all you mommys have a wonderful Mothers Day and I hope your kids spoil you!!

Friday, April 29, 2011

Well the sun was out in full force today and I LOVED it!! I just hope that it doesn't go and hide again for about a week and pop out for just a day like it has in the past. I went to Whole Foods today and I think I will go back but only every once in a while. The prices are high but the selection and service were out of this world. I didn't think that customer service like that was ever practised and used like that. They were all so friendly, helpful and knowledgeable about the products and the issue of having to have a gluten free diet. They even have a program of a personally shopper . . . loved this idea. You call in ahead of time and scheduale a time for the event to happen. Once there you and the personal shopper goes around the store and helps you with the differant food choices and what they have to offer. Plus if you want to try something before you buy it you can take it up to the costomer service desk and they can open it for you to try it and you don't even have to buy it if you don't like it. This place rocked for folks like me that are starting off in the world of a certain diet like this.
We have 5 cacoons and 2 more getting ready get into theirs. The last 3 I think are just late bloomers, but thats ok they will still be beautiful.
Aj's test came back negative. It is either a true negative or its a faulse one due to the fact that he is on a gluten free diet already which can alter the results. I have a concultation with the dr. in about 2 weeks to talk about this and see what to do now or just leave it. I put in a call to the dermatologist for Evey in asking him what he thought of the homeopathic drug for the skin rash for her. I am starting to think that she may need this help and with it being all natural with no side effects other than helping her rash for the gluten . . . why not. So we shall wait and see. I think with wheat and gluten being in so many things and we don't know it cause manufacturers don't have to label it, the help might not be a back thing for her. The ham that I made may have it in the glaze that was provided. And since they didn't have to tell me that it had wheat/gluten in it I fed it to her and she had a break out on her skin. I gave my blood sample to get tested yesterday (Tues.) so it will be interesting what that comes out to be.
Well I got some strawberrys in the fridge and they are calling my name for some strawberries and ice cream. Laters!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

good times

Well, all in all today was a good day. I got some laundry done, not quite put away though. Got my blood work done to see if I have celiac disease too. I got Aj's done on Tues and no word yet for him. Jim called his doctor today to see about getting it done for him too. The bad thing about that is that his doctor is on vacation till Monday so we have to wait on that one. Did some food shopping and found some new things to try. I found some bagels, cinnamon muffins, maple glaze donuts and of course some new snacky stuff. So can not wait to try them. I made some gluten free fish sticks tonight for dinner and they were really good, you couldn't tell that the breading part was make from corn flakes . . . and both kids agree so that will be going back on the grocery list.
At Evey's school they had a family clay fun night. It was a blast to see the creations as the kids put it that they made. I also helped a fellow mom make something too.
I am getting excited for the first field trip that I am going to help with this year. We will be going to the Black Berry Farm . . . I so love that place!!! Anyway I am feeling better and I am getting things done around the house too. Oh by the way we have some caterpillers in their cacoons getting ready to spread their wings. We have 2 changing and 4 or 5 more hanging upside down getting ready. This is so excitting. We got 10 caterpillers. Can't wait to see them hatch and spread their wings for the first time. The place that I ordered them from you can get other bugs too, like ants (like we don't have enough of them already), lady bugs, some kind of spider and a praying mantis . . . I so want to get one or two of them. But maybe next spring.
Anyway I am tired and got to finish some laundry and go to bed. Good night!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Yes I am here

Hello, just to let you know that yes I am still here. This past weekend all 4 of us were sick for Easter Sunday, so we had our own ham dinner just us this year. It was nice but it took all of the energy that I had to cook and clean up. And of course I paid for it the next day . . only got off of the sofa for things I had to do yesterday. Like feed my kids or take a potty break. Today was a better day. I did do some house work but I have tons more to do. Had an appointment with the dietitian this after noon and turns out that I know a ton about this new diet. She, the Dr. was surprised and happy at the fact that I know so much, I even knew some tid bits that she didn't know . . . go me!!
All in all things are going well. I still have a lot of food from my stock piles to get rid of but that will happen in time, maybe next week or so. I hope. Any way I got to get the kids into bed and start clipping coupons from Sundays papers. Love you all!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

general update

Hello friends, Well doctor appointment number 2 done and under our belts. We've decided to hold off on any drugs for lil Miss Evey for right now, we shall see what the summer holds. Turns out you can have the rash that she has and not have the gluten sensitivity. One of the triggers for this rash is heat, very much like heat rash. And if we do decide to give her meds for this its going to be a short term basis only! Her poor lil body has been through so much to put her on a med just breaks my heart but if its a must I will.
Evey is now eatting lunch at a table sort of by her self. The school has a table set aside for those kids with peanut allergies. Well turns out that there are only 3 kids with this and to have a table, which is two 6 ft banquet tables at one for just 3 kids we are splitting it for Evey and the peanut gang . . . no pun intended. Anyway, I hate to do this to her but till we find out how allergic she is to this its really the only way. Better to be safe than sorry right now. The only way to see how sensitive she is, is to wait and she how she reacts to it once she has been living in a 100% gluten free zone for some time and her body is happy again. I am hopen that it will be when school starts up again, but only time will tell. We finally found a breakfast cereal that she like with a bowl of milk, praise God!! I bought today chocolate gluten free doughnuts, chicken nuggets and fish sticks so we shall see how those go. I also got gluten free salad dressings/dippin sauces. Slowly but surely things are coming together. I do have to get new kitchen supplies that are of a porous serface nature. Means all my wooden utincles, cutting boards and anything else of these natures. Does this mean I can get a kitchen shower to help with the cost? I am hopin that with the finding that all of the foods that I get are a tax write off due to it being a medical expence, if that goes toward the kitchen stuff to as I replace it/them? That is another phone call I have to make. The list is getting long and longer. Well ta ta for now and God bless you all! Thank you all for your prayers for I fell them every time I get over whelmed with all of this. Thank you!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Wedding bells

Well, 9 yrs ago today I married the man of my dreams. God blessed me with this wonderful man and I love him so very much. Sorry I'm going mushy on you guys today. I never knew love like this. It is wondeful. He has been such a great support in my hard times and we've been having them alot lately. He is the calm to my hyperness and my crutch when I can not stand. He is truely my knight in shining armor. I just hope that for those of you that read this that you have found your knight in shining armor and for those of you that have not yet found him. Hang on and he is out there.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Well, the first of 3 doctors appointments done and under our belts. The dermatologist wanted to put Evey on a med for the skin rash that she has. This drug has alot of side effects and she would have to take it for the rest of her life. I'm not fond of that one. If she has to take a med for the rest of her life let it be when she is older. The side effects I thought were a bit scary for a 7 yr old person to have to go through. I know that not everyone gets every side effect but I just don't want to take that risk. Then in doing some on line research on this drug I found another med that is all natural herbs and according to this web site it has no side effects . . . first thought is really? Then I thought if this is true and this drug really does excist and it does work where do I sign her up. I did ask the derm. about the fact if she does start this med and 20+ yrs from now is married and she wants to start a family how would that play into affect with that. As far as the pregnancy its self should be alright but the troubles could come in is if she wants to nurse.
I am just so torn so we are going to talk to her ped. tomorrow and get her take on all of this. What do you all think? Do I get her on the med the derm. wants? Do I investigate this new herbal med.? Whats your guys' take on this one?

Monday, April 18, 2011

new book

I got a new book called, "The Gluten-free Bible" and so far it is helping me out. I read that all the special foods that I/we buy for us to eat can be claimed on our taxes since its considered a medical expense. How cool is that, guess we will be holding on to all of our receipts from now on. I am so glad that I got the book can not wait till I really read into it. I am finding out that wheat/gluten is used in a ton of stuff, did you know that med. manufacturers use it in the children's liquid med. Did you also know that they don't have to put notification on the label if they do use wheat/gluten in making the med. So I guess that I will be spending a lot of time on the phone until that changes. I was told that it should be changing sometime this year, I so hope so cause if the label doesn't list it then I will guess that its not in there unless its labeled gluten free somewhere on it. Well we have the first of 3 doctors appointments tomorrow. Well I am so very tired it was a long night last night. Evey's cold kept her up most to just about all night with coughs and I think we are both so tired that we will sleep all night with not a care in the world about whats going on outside. I just hope that tomorrow will be better. So here is where I will bid you all good night and take care.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Thank goodness for Moms

Well, today I just wanted to hide in a corner and cry at the thought of all the foods that were in my pantry that was no long good for us with this new gluten free diet. ALL of it was to be gotten rid of. So then I told Jim I was going shopping. Well, 3 stores later my pantry is getting there. I found a lot and I only got one of the new items for just in case we do not like it. So cross them fingers that the foods that I got today are a hit. I am going to be making chicken meat balls with veggie noodles and then a breakfast casserole for breakfast in the morning. Instead of using regular bread I will be using the new gluten free bread . . . fingers crossed that this one is good.


Well, last night for dinner I made chicken parmesan and garlic bread and mix veggies. I used the gluten & wheat free bread to make the garlic bread and it was a hit. For the first time Evey actually ate the bread. So know I know what to use when I want to make garlic bread for dinner. I was so happy and it really did actually tasted good! This might not be all that bad after all.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Now for crazyness

Well today was chop full of making phone calls and getting doctors appointments lined up. I've been doing some on line research on this and now I have lots of questions for the various doctors that we will be seeing. We have 2 appointments next week and so far one the following. I found on line that there is a gluten - allergen free foods expo at the end of the month. We are planning on going and maybe we can get some new creative ideas on foods and maybe some good deals and coupons from the various vendors that will be there. Pray that all will go well.

We tryed tacos last night for dinner and that didn't turn out so hot. I got 2 differant kinds of shell for them. One pack was gluten and wheat free and the other was corn, both where soft. And no body liked either one . . so for tacos its back to the drawing board. Bread is still on our list of things we don't like. I'm going to see if we can turn it into garlic bread for dinner tomorrow night.

I also think that I am doing way to much research on this since my dream last night was about reading labels in the stores on things to see if it had gluten in it. Funny how things like that work, your reality seeps into your dreams. I just hope that this is not the start of a new trend for me.

Anyway, the kids have now been bathed and in bed, the dish washer is set and running, dinner is done and cleaned up and now its on to laundry so my kids have clean clothes for tomorrow. Hope it doesn't rain to much tomorrow and I am seriously missing the warm windows open weather from yesterday and the day before that.

Good night world and bright hopes for tomorrow!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The wait is over!!

Well, I got that phone call from the Dr. this afternoon and it came back positive. Now she is no longer to eat anything with gluten in it. If you could pray that the possible long term effects if this won't come to pass. Please pray that she will not have to run into other issues with this than all that she has so far. Thank you for your prayers during this waiting game and thank you for all the prayers that you may send our way in the future. She is a trooper and pray that she remains that way. Now the fun begins with the changing of the diet and lots of other doctors appointments. Please pray that Jim's job continues to remain stable to pay for all of these upcoming doctors appointments. I would love any advice you can give . . . for those of you that actually read this.

One more we are officially done with the Rosedale house, it is officially the banks now and its up to them to maintain it . . . it is done!!!

Monday, April 11, 2011

good news not so bad news

Well I'll start with the not so bad news. I called the Dr.s office this afternoon to see if anything has come in yet for the blood work on Evey, nothing yet. When I took her in to get the blood taken they took 3 vials of blood, and 2 of 3 came in and once that last one comes in then the Dr. will call me with the results. Again I don't like waiting cause I want to know. So I guess I have to and only time will tell. The more that time passes I am thinking that she does have this, but then again I won't know for sure till that last test comes in and the Dr. tells me yea or nea.

So now for the good news, this is not just good news this is news that makes mom and dad proud!! I got a letter in the mail today addressed to 'to the parents of Evelyn Doyens'. I got nervous, but then I saw it was from a place called National Schools Project, then I got a little more nervous. Opened the letter and read the word 'congratulations' and got instantly happy and excited. Evey's teacher submitted her class' poems to this and Evey's poem is one of many chosen to be part of the 'Young American Poetry Digest'. I ask how cool is that!! Jim and I are so very proud of her for this and so can not wait to read her poem!! We are going to be ordering copy's of the book for us, but if any of you that read this wants one let me know and we an arrange something. Each book is $15.00 so we would pass that cost on to you just let us know within the next week or so. With all that this lil lady has been through she is so awesome!! Such a trooper! We/I could not ask for a better daughter! This is great/super/awesome!!

Well, I'm tired and my bed is calling since I am now the only one up and awake. Good night world and hope you all sleep well.

Friday, April 08, 2011

still nothing

Well today started off rather bad. Computer was giving me attitude, worse than the kids can dish out, then I ran out of Evey's anti-itch ointment stuff. Then someone of you must have said a prayer cause things turned around. Computer got the attitude adjustment, the meds. for Evey came in and was refilled via the dr. nurse. Thank you Lord!! I did some food shopping for gluten free stuff so we shall see what the gluten free pasta is like. We may just have to stick with the egg noodles if this dish is a flop. I got a recipe for a sausage, veggie and au grauten potatoes . . . the boxes of the potatoes contain gluten/wheat so that we can not do. So I'm tweaking it a bit. I'm going to use the gluten free noodles instead of the potatoes and since it has not getting cheese, I'm going to use a brick of the Velveeta cheese. I'll let you know how that turns out. This gluten free thing may not be such a bad thing after all, maybe?!?

I came home for doing an Avon delivery and Jim told me what the good ol government is thinking of doing with the money that is saved during the shut down. Half to the military benefits and the other half to the planned parenthood facilities. To think that my tax dollars is going to help somebody get an abortion and kill a lil man or lil lady just makes me sick. I wish someone would go around and ask me where I want my portion of the tax money that was saved during this shut down to go to military not to cover the cost of killing a child. Oh that makes me so mad and upset that I have no voice in this matter I just have to sit back and let it happen so here is my vent on that.

Anyway I need to get dinner going. No test results today . . . maybe Monday.

Thursday, April 07, 2011

Aj and his first test

Well today I signed up my lil man for kindergarten this afternoon. My baby . . sniff sniff. He will be attending school all day, that makes him happy cause he will be there all day just like his big sister Evey. While we were waiting for him to be tested to see where he stands, I was observing him and Evey play in the gym and thought to myself that I have some really good kids and they really do play nice with each other and love each other. Made me feel rather proud as a parent. Then Evey and I went to see her teacher and when Aj discovered that we were gone he got upset with the fact that Evey left. Jim told me that he was ready to bust into tears just because she was gone. Makes me wonder how will he handle the first day of school when they have to separated?!? So then it was Aj's turn to get tested and fear came over me wondering how he was going to do and if he was going to share some 'stories'. The teacher that tested him came out and said he did really really well. He scored 81 out of 100 . . . sweet my lil man is smart, so he must like to hide it from Mommy and Daddy. People have told me that you know that you are doing a good job raising kids when they are good for folks when you are not around . ..  that's when they show off their true colors. I am so very proud of my Aj and I love him so very much!

Anyway as of the test results for Evey, nothing yet. Which doesn't surprise me just for the fact of what time of the day we were able to get in and do the taking of the blood. Maybe tomorrow and no later than Monday so till them I just say lots of prayers for a result that is 100% true and that we don't have to do any more testings just to try and find out what is wrong and making my sweet lil lady itch like mad. She is a lot stronger than I would think I could be.

Well I am blest with 2 wonderful, smart and strong kids and a wonderful supportive husband. GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME AND ALL THE TIME GOD IS GOOD!!

Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Hope we are getting closer to the end of the tunnel

Well I am starting to think that Dr. #4 that says that Evey has a gluten sensitivity is right. I will be taking her into the doctors office later today for some blood work to test her for coeliac disease after soon, among some other test the allergist wants to do. Finally someone willing to run tests to find out the reason for all these skin issues for the past 6 months. She had blood work done last week and she still has the bruise to show for it so pray that we can do these today and that the nurse will be able to get enough blood to make a successful test. Other than that, we all have or getting over colds and I have a headache to boot . . . well life will never be all better and normal like before. Well I got to run and get more drugs for my headache.

Monday, April 04, 2011

updates from the drs.

Well it seems to be, for Evey's skin issues is an allergic reaction to gluten. But with all that we/she has been through and all of the other things we thought it was I am a bit skeptical about it. The dermatologist requested her regular doctor to do another test. This one is a gluten specific test. Once we/I get the results for this one then I will be sure to change the families diet to one that is gluten free 100% for all. From what I have heard that those who are gluten free, they seem to be more on the healthier end of the scale. Well dinner is calling and I got to go. I just hope that this test will be the last for a while and that this really truly is what is buggin my sweet lil Evey. Oh her blood work stuff all came back all good and normal. Praise God!!

Sunday, April 03, 2011


I must confess that I am a bit sad today. Found out that a relative of a friend past away last night and then I found out that a good friend from church is moving out of state. Well that is all for today, other than I so can not wait till Tues. for some test results.

Friday, April 01, 2011

I hate waiting!!

Well, the good Lord must be testing my patients this week and I am not doing so well. Evey's skin Biopsy came in and it shows that she has potentially a sensitivity to gluten. She had some blood work done today to find out more and we have to wait till Tues. for those. The results are in but they have to be seen by a Dr. first . . . waiting is not good.

We took a train ride into Chicago and went to the top of the Sears Tower . . . yes I did say it the 'Sears Tower'. The kids LOVED it. Then we came back home due to the weather being so cold and wet. We have pics of that as our keep sakes. Good times with the family. Now we are going to sit down and curl up by a fire, with pizza and watching a movie. I LOVE family times like this, God is good!!!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

and now 4 doctors later . . .

Well, I took Evey to another doctor, that now makes number 4 with this skin issue. This is the first time that she had a skin byopsy done. To say the least she didn't like it but I know it needed to be done. We should get the results in about a week or so. This doctor thinks that she is having an allergic reaction to maybe gluten. Again something that will change my/our world, but from what I've heard it will be for the better.

Aj had a really bad asthma attack that sent us to the ER Sunday night. We had to break down and get a nebulizer for at home, which we've had to use 2 times now.

Evey is on spring break from school and so far it has been filled up with doctors appointments and ER visits . . . good times . . . NOT!! I am hoping to do at least one of the things that I've planned for but only time will tell and it mainly depends on how Aj is doing with his asthma and what the doctor says when we see him tomorrow for a follow up for Aj.

Well happy spring,

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

new issuses meets old ones

Hello I must confess this morning I am feeling rather over whelmed already. Over the weekend Aj's asthma flared up and we spend Sunday night in the ER for a breathing treatment. Last night was a good night, things are calming down for him and his energy is picking up. Now Evey is not doing well with her skin. Gut feeling is that her scabies are back, but we are going to get her tested so we know for sure. So that means I'm going to turn into a clean freak again. Also with all of this on my plate I found out that my vitamine E levels were low which can cause frumpyness and angziaty attact, oh great!! Last night I am seriously thinking of stepping out of selling Avon and just focus on my family and me. Will I ever sell again, Lord only knows. I did/do enjoy it and so maybe. Well that is all for now and my soap opera and stress. Well got to go and do laundry, clean house, change bed sheets, and vacumm EVERYTHING!!

Thursday, March 24, 2011


Lots to share with you. Evey had another check up earlier this week and we don't have to go back unless things take a turn for the worse. HIP HIP HURRAY!! We are trying a new bathe soap and body cream/lotion and hopefully these will help her get cleared up and stay that way. Today I had a doctors appointment to talk about some stuff. The doctor wanted to do some blood work just to make sure that things are working the way they are supposed to. We, meaning Aj and myself get down to the lab for the tests. I sit down and get myself ready for the nurse. Aj looks at me and asked me if I am going to get a shot so they can take the blood out, I said yes I am. He says he can't look while he covers his ears and turns around. I then said that I thought you were going to hold my hand for me. He proceeds to stretch out one of his arms, still turned around so his back is toward me. He then covers that ear with his shoulder so that his ears are plug, I guess he thought that I was going to scream or something while they take the blood. The nurse and I could not stop laughing at this sight and all that Aj did. Talking about a comic relief. After that we took a drive and saw that a new dollar store opened up, so we decided to take a look. While we were in the store we saw, looking out the glass doors an elderly lady on the ground. We just missed her going down but as we looked up we/I saw her legs flying up in the air while the rest of her is still on the ground. I had Aj stand off to the side while I helped the sales clerk and some other good folks help her back to her feet and back into the store to sit down till the ambulance shows up. Nice lady. On our way home I thanked God for my youth that I was able to help that lady out and grateful that she had someone to come and get her after the paramedic guys checked her out. I also said a prayer that she is alright. She hit her head on the cement and was bleeding a bit. I just hope she is alright.

Funny I thought that if you do a good deed for someone like that you are to feel good about yourself that you did an act of kindness like that. But for whatever reason why I don't, I am more concerned that she is alright, and that the fall and bump on the head was not bad. She didn't go to the hospital but went home with someone else, not sure if it was a family member or a friend . . . but other wise she is home safe with someone watching her.

Oh well its just about time to pick up lil princess from school. So I will bid you good day and be safe.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Eveys improvements

Hello, I just got done with giving the kids a bath and giving them their bed time meds and brushing teeth. While I was putting on the anti itch cream on Evey for the itch that is still buggin her I noticed that I can stop putting it on certain parts of her body. Her healing body has been a long and slow going road but I/we are seeing the light at the end of the tunnle coming brighter and brighter. Praise God!! Thank you to all of you for your prayers during this time.
This pic was taken
on Valentine's Day with her hair ribbon/bow
that our neighbor made for her. I love you Evey and I'm
so very glad that things are getting better for you!!

Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Evey had another dermatology appointment this week and things are still clearing up but on the slow side. We have said good-bye or should I say see ya later to one of Jim's Uncles. It was a blessing but darn emotions you just don't want to let go even though you know its for the better. Just when I think that things are getting back to normal something happens. My sis in law was admitted into the hospital this morning for something is buggin her. I'll find out more later when I go up to sit with her for a bit. Anyway, life is good and I can't complain. Oh PS I have a wonderful hubbie!! Love ya Jim.
This is and most likely my forever fav pic of my darling love. This was taken on our wedding day in the limo from the church to the reception hall . . . I just LOVE his smile here!!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Praise God!

Just got back from the dermatologist appointment for Evey this afternoon and things are clearing up! We are back to the way she looked last Thursday. Turns out that she is allergic to something that she was taking for the Scabies. Once she is all better and all the scabs from  the scabies are all healed I will be getting her in for an allergy test to see what other drugs she is allergic too. So far she is allergic to at least 2 meds. After this I don't want to be surprise by another one.

Uncle Henry is still chuggin a long and hanging on. His vitals are slowing down but he much have a good strong heart cause its not letting him give up his fight. Now that his other organs like kidneys are starting the shutting down proccess things will start to move quicker, I think?

I hope that this finds you all well.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Prayer and patients

Hello, lots is happening here and I am getting stressed out to the max here. We are moved in and settled and Evey has started school fall '10 and is loving it, Aj is patiently awaiting his first day of school come fall '11. We ran into some skin health issues with Evey bout September 2010 and we are still dealing with it even now. We've been told that she has/had ezima, pheriasis and most recently scabies. We are coming to the end of treatment for the scabies and she is now itching head to toe and has a rash just about all over . . . and I mean ALL OVER her. I'm about to go crazy cause I don't know what else to do. I am thinking what did I do wrong, what can I do better. Evey is asking me to help her feel normal and I honestly thought we were till yesterday. I have yet another doctors appointment for her to see a dermatologist. Took her to the ER early this morning and he suggested to take her back to the dermatologist for further examinations. Then to top it all of Jim's one Uncle is not well and expecting to meet with Jesus here within the next day or two. I sat with them for about an hour and I would not be surprised if he passes today, but only the good Lord knows when. Please pray for us for patients and that all things will come to an end in a good way not ever flare up again. I'm not sure how much I can handle of this before I started demanding blood tests and all that jazz. When will enough be enough? Thank you!