Monday, May 23, 2011


Hello friends . . . this past weekend was full of things that are bitter and hard to swallow and then some really sweet things.

So lets start with the bitter to end on a good note. Well, found out that my high school sunday school teacher is ill and doesn't have much more time here on earth. Then he will join his Mother in heaven with this Lord. That in its self is bittersweet. You know who you are and if you read this I love you and will miss you and we will see each other again someday. I know that Jim will miss ya too. I know that he has enjoyed the time you have spent sharing stories during your duties at church on Sunday mornings. We love you!!!!!

Good notes, all of our butterflies have hatched and are out there somewhere and hopefully growing. All of the veggies that I have gotten are in the ground and I notices today that there are flower buds growing on them which means that soon we will be having some fresh veggies. We got 2 tomatoes, and a total of 6 bell pepper plants and 2 strawberries. I also got some tomato seeds that are planted but so far nothing from them yet. Maybe soon.

As far as Evey, things are going. I got the herbal meds that we are going to try today in the mail and she got her first does tonight before bed. She is not liking this at all. I have entered the councilor part of being a parent and so far its harder than I thought. So please pray that I help her feel better about her "new body" as she would put it. She got upset Sunday that her friends from the neighborhood were getting things from the ice cream truck that goes around town. I told her no due to the fact that I would have no way of knowing if any of the items are gluten free. It was hard for her to see her friends part taking in this and she is left on the side lines. I told her that maybe she got this so that maybe someday if she meets someone that is new to this maybe she is there to help them figure things out like we are doing now. She told me that she never thought of that. So maybe that calmed her down, or at least till next time.

Yesterday we patched some holes in the pool liner and we are starting to fill it up to get it up and running for the summer. So can not wait. What better than pool, a great tan and fresh fruits and veggies. Aj wants grapes so maybe next year. One may never know. Well I have to tuck in little ones and clean up from the day.

good night, love you all!


The Lamonica Family said...

Thanks Nancy!!!

Nancy Doyens said...

Any time darling. You and your family are still in our thoughts and prayers. Love ya!!