Thursday, June 02, 2011


Well, everyday I am finding new things that are cheaper and are gluten free. I am falling more in love with Aldi's. Lost of things there are gluten free . . . marshmallows, chocolate bars, bratworsts, hot dogs, cheetoes, cheese puffs, powdered sugar. And these things are labeled gluten free which is nice, It gets rid of the guessing game and maybe paying for it in the long run.
My veggies are growning, slowly. There are some flowers there which means that soon there will be something worth eating someday. We have also seen butterflys fluttering around the house. And we wonder if they are some of the ones we released into nature a while back. That would be neat if it were.
Well thats all for now. Hope you are all enjoying this wonderful warm weather that God is blessing us with.

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