Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Hope we are getting closer to the end of the tunnel

Well I am starting to think that Dr. #4 that says that Evey has a gluten sensitivity is right. I will be taking her into the doctors office later today for some blood work to test her for coeliac disease after soon, among some other test the allergist wants to do. Finally someone willing to run tests to find out the reason for all these skin issues for the past 6 months. She had blood work done last week and she still has the bruise to show for it so pray that we can do these today and that the nurse will be able to get enough blood to make a successful test. Other than that, we all have or getting over colds and I have a headache to boot . . . well life will never be all better and normal like before. Well I got to run and get more drugs for my headache.

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