Well, let’s start off with the bad news first and get that one over and done with.
Well, for all of those that know Jim, know that he had his 2nd attempt with the welding test for school this past Wednesday night. Well thank you for your prayers, but he didn’t pass this time. We are hoping that the third time is a charm for him. He did start off very well he said. He did make one little mistake but it was something so small that if that was the only thing wrong they would have passed him. But that one little mistake took it’s toll on him mentally and he went down hill after that. He as able to get pointers from his instructor after class, and now he feels like he will be able to pass it for sure next time, which will be some time between Turkey Day and Christmas.
So, here for the good news. For what ever reason why I didn’t tell you this all before God above only knows, but this past Sunday (11/12) was Uncle Henry’s first Sunday back to church since all of hospital visits and head operation about a month ago. He looked totally awesome!! He is doing very well for himself, still slow going though. Thank you for all of you that have been praying for him and all of us during that time of pins and needles. It is always nice to see someone doing so well and know that it has something to do with the prayers that you sent to heaven for him. We all love you Uncle Henry!!
Well, that is all for now I have to pick up Evey from class.
Chow for now!