Monday, February 21, 2011

Praise God!

Just got back from the dermatologist appointment for Evey this afternoon and things are clearing up! We are back to the way she looked last Thursday. Turns out that she is allergic to something that she was taking for the Scabies. Once she is all better and all the scabs from  the scabies are all healed I will be getting her in for an allergy test to see what other drugs she is allergic too. So far she is allergic to at least 2 meds. After this I don't want to be surprise by another one.

Uncle Henry is still chuggin a long and hanging on. His vitals are slowing down but he much have a good strong heart cause its not letting him give up his fight. Now that his other organs like kidneys are starting the shutting down proccess things will start to move quicker, I think?

I hope that this finds you all well.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Prayer and patients

Hello, lots is happening here and I am getting stressed out to the max here. We are moved in and settled and Evey has started school fall '10 and is loving it, Aj is patiently awaiting his first day of school come fall '11. We ran into some skin health issues with Evey bout September 2010 and we are still dealing with it even now. We've been told that she has/had ezima, pheriasis and most recently scabies. We are coming to the end of treatment for the scabies and she is now itching head to toe and has a rash just about all over . . . and I mean ALL OVER her. I'm about to go crazy cause I don't know what else to do. I am thinking what did I do wrong, what can I do better. Evey is asking me to help her feel normal and I honestly thought we were till yesterday. I have yet another doctors appointment for her to see a dermatologist. Took her to the ER early this morning and he suggested to take her back to the dermatologist for further examinations. Then to top it all of Jim's one Uncle is not well and expecting to meet with Jesus here within the next day or two. I sat with them for about an hour and I would not be surprised if he passes today, but only the good Lord knows when. Please pray for us for patients and that all things will come to an end in a good way not ever flare up again. I'm not sure how much I can handle of this before I started demanding blood tests and all that jazz. When will enough be enough? Thank you!